Wednesday, December 29, 2010

all i want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth

Okay so you got one tooth. It arrived on the 23rd just in time for Christmas. Sorry I'm posting late, but it's been crazy. You developed croup on the 21st and then there was Christmas on the 25 and Disneyland on the 27. Luckily you got better in less than a week. The holidays were amazing. You had a super fun time at Hannukah and Christmas. You really seem to enjoy being involved in the goings on. You are so close to walking. I want to see you walk already, but I should be careful what I wish for. You have so much energy. You are on go from the moment you wake up. It's great, but sometimes you are a handful. You are such a boy. It's gross. changing you is a challenge and you love to eat ground stuff. It drives me nuts, but everyone assures me you are just strengthening your immune system. Ew, it's still grody. As for Disneyland you loved it. You were so alert and excited on the rides. You handled it better than Sissy. She cried on alot of rides. I hope she enjoys herself next time like you. Well the New Year is coming this weekend. I cant wait to start it with you. Our birthday is also coming. Its funny that my b day is now ours. Im happy to share it with you. I love you little buddy more than life.

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