Monday, March 14, 2011

13 months

You are 13 months. Yesterday was your b day party and you had a great party. You were a little overwhelmed by all the fan fare, but by the end of the day you were having a blast opening up all your presents. You had your first pony ride which was fun. You are doing great. You are 20 lbs and 29 inches. You lost a little weight due to the tummy flu last week, but your appetite is back in full force. You are in the process of converting from breast milk to formula. You stand and take half a step then crouch down. You are so close to walking. You started waving last week and saying byeba. You say mine, buh (book), MaeMae, mama, papa, and a whole bunch of babbling. You are such a joy, but you have your feisty little attitude at times. We love you so much Tinki Boi.

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